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How to Choose a Retirement Community

two seniors placing money in a piggy-bank to save for a retirement community.

Choosing a retirement community is a significant decision that marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter of senior living. With so many options available, finding the right fit for your senior care needs can feel overwhelming.  Some factors to consider when choosing a retirement community include: understanding your needs and priorities, researching different types […]

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 7 Fun Outdoor Activities For Seniors

An older adult enjoying a stroll in the garden alongside her daughter.

Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle is important at any age, but it becomes even more necessary as we grow older.  Regular physical activity can significantly enhance quality of life, helping to improve physical health, mental well-being, and social connections.  As we approach summer, make the most of these beautiful by connecting with the outdoors. […]

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When To Move From Assisted Living to Memory Care?

A man holds his senior father's hand as they discuss moving to memory care.

Navigating the care needs of a loved one can be challenging, especially when those needs change. While assisted living offers excellent support and freedom for many older adults, it’s not designed specifically for those with cognitive difficulties. That’s the realm of memory care. When your loved one requires support for the difficulties imposed by dementia […]

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Health Benefits of Socializing for Seniors

A group of older adults spending time together playing dominoes

We require socialization throughout our lives to live happily and healthily. Creating social communities provides the connections and intimate friendships we need growing older, but many adults, unfortunately, lack these connections.  Senior living communities can offer social connections for your loved one, and several lifestyle options exist. If you’re interested in assisted living or are […]

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